Thursday, January 14, 2016

Academic Holograms

Academic Holograms will accomplish increase in intelligence quotient
while reducing dropouts and crime rates within local communities.
This effective strategy will successfully accomplish the goals for public
education that are; basic academic knowledge and skills, critical
thinking and problem solving, appreciation of the arts and literature,
preparation for skilled employment, social skills and work ethic,
citizenship and community responsibility, physical health, and
emotional health. Creating and reproducing academic images and
scenarios through holography creates curiosity which fosters
enthusiasm which in turns dramatically increases the odds of success
in achieving the goals of the GEORGIA SCHOOL BOARDS

The Academic Holograms Project is not intended to be a substitute
but tool that will more or less coalesce with the traditional rigors of
education. This learning platform as a tool will create the 21st century
schools that consistently intertwines technology and education
fostering efficient utilization of available resources. Visual reality
component of holograms improves retention of assimilated subjects,
overcoming the degradation in the public education, and generate
enthusiasm for learning. Outcome for this enhanced educational
experience is the formation of a developed society of well-informed
intellectual individuals, thus in turn prospers the local state
government and society because this is the backbone of innovation
and job creation. The product will produce more technologically
advanced schools. The high-level deliverables are the goals set by the
1. Basic academic knowledge and skills: basic skills in reading,
writing, and math, and knowledge of science and history.
2. Critical thinking and problem solving: the ability to analyze
information, apply ideas to new situations, and develop
knowledge using computers.
3. Appreciation of the arts and literature: participation in and
appreciation of musical, visual, and performing arts as well as
a love of literature.
4. Preparation for skilled employment: workplace qualification for
students not pursuing college education.
5. Social skills and work ethic: communication skills, personal
responsibility, and the ability to get along with others from
varied backgrounds.
6. Citizenship and community responsibility: public ethics;
knowledge of how government works; and participation by
voting, volunteering, and becoming active in community life.
7. Physical health: good habits of exercise and nutrition.
8. Emotional health: self-confidence, respect for others, and the
ability to resist peer pressure to engage in irresponsible
personal behavior.

The new vision for public education in Georgia is to adapt a
comprehensive method for the achievement of the prescribed goals
for public education and enumerate the actions required at the
federal, state, and local policy levels to improve significantly the
educational opportunity for all.
The Academic Holograms Project:
1. Provide for Georgia’s youngest children learning opportunities
that enhance their chances for success in their years of formal
education by involving the students in the production of the
academic holograms.
2. Provide a curriculum that is rigorous, relevant, and real with
vivid dramatizations and reenactments of the required
academic rigors.
3. Provide an environment in which students are engaged in
learning that is motivated by their natural curiosity and

public education goals GA - Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2016, from

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