Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Position

            The traditional rigors of education are not addressing the needs of today’s students. Currently America is ranked 18th of 23 industrialized countries in education. (DoSomething.org) America has and is constantly outsourcing manufacturing positions in order to focus attention on advancing technology. The problem is that if America wants to become a more technological advanced society, America’s youth must be included. Having talked with several middle school students, these students have stated that they are bored with the traditional rigors of the educational system. The current rigors are not proactive in agitating the students to challenge themselves. In order to prepare the younger generation to become the leaders of tomorrow’s technologies, America must start preparations now.  This involves deploying incipient technologies into the classrooms as they develop.
            To watch America leave the students behind is lugubrious. Maybe no one knows how to mitigate this situation. With all the recent calamities concerning restoration of the economy, jobs creation, health care, and immigration, Americans have been indisposed to discuss America’s future, the youth. The large scale effects of this problem, while minute now, will eventually lead to a period of stagnation. Having so many great yet underdeveloped minds also has the potential to lead to a self-destructive mind state, which is detrimental to everyone.
            America’s technological advances are aimed at consumerism, this is leaving an educational system struggling to resolve deficiencies in reading competencies and graduation rates. This leads to my proposed solution, holography. Holography may be the answer for America’s educational downfalls.
            Microsoft has developed holographic eye wear which will be available in 2015. Holography is not a new concept, but the advances made in this technology are. To not usher the youth forward by broadening their learning experience could prove detrimental to America. In 2012 the Tupac Shakur hologram show became a game changer in the digital world. Taking form Musion.com,” The virtual performance took place at the 2012 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (known simply as Coachella). It was part of a show by Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg that saw rap artists such as Eminem and 50 Cent ignite the festival as they took to the stage one after another. But it was Tupac’s holographic performance that blew the audience away, mashing minds and sending the crowd insane as the virtual performer, exquisitely crafted in the rapper’s image, took to the stage. The Tupac hologram proved utterly game changing and year defining.” (Musion) Holographic technologies accessibility in America’s classrooms could mark the beginning of a new era in education.
            The spark of imagination in the youth begins a cycle of new development. This in itself is the greatest return imaginable. In the evolution of technology America cannot afford to leave its youth behind. At some point this will cause a slowing or stagnation in technological advancement and development. Thus, the elders are burdened to be creative in challenging the youth to do better tomorrow than we did today.

Works Cited
 “Microsoft Unveils Latest Windows 10, Holographic Technology.” NY Daily News. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
Simonite, Tom. “Microsoft Headset Rewrites Reality with Holograms.” MIT Technology Review. N.p., 21 Jan. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
“11 Facts About Education in America | DoSomething.org | America’s Largest Organization for Youth Volunteering Opportunities, with 2,700,000 Members and Counting.” N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
"Tupac Hologram and the Coachella Virtual Performance | By Musion." Musion. 6 Feb. 2014.       

Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <http://musion.com/?portfolio=tupac-coachella-2012-hologram>.

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